Terms of Service

Welcome to the Terms of Service for the ApricityRx Platform and its hosted Solutions.

The ApricityRx Platform and hosted Solutions (“ApricityRx Solutions”) are owned by Apricity Health, LLC and its subsidiaries involved in providing and supporting the ApricityRx Solutions (collectively, “We,” “Our”, “Us”, “Apricity”, or “Apricity Health”). 

Please read these Terms of Service carefully before using any of the ApricityRx Solutions. By accessing or using any of the ApricityRx Solutions in which you have enrolled in, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service (this “Agreement”) and Apricity Health’s Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”). Throughout the Agreement, “ApricityRx Solutions” refer to the specific ApricityRx solution that you have enrolled in and not any of the other ApricityRx solutions that are available and governed by this Agreement.

ApricityRx Solutions

This Agreement applies to your use of any of the ApricityRx Solutions. Features and specifications of products or services described or depicted herein are subject to change at any time without notice. You will not use any of the ApricityRx Solutions, in a manner inconsistent with (i) this Agreement, or (ii) any and all applicable laws and regulations.  

This Agreement provide a nonexclusive, limited and revocable rights to access and use the ApricityRx Solutions during the paid subscription term of your ApricityRx solution, so long as you comply with the terms of this Agreement.  

ApricityRx Solutions consist of various software-based products and services to help patients, healthcare providers, employees employed by the employers, or workers contracted by business owners, or their visitors and customers.   Under the ApricityRx Solutions product suites, we currently provide: 

  1. ApricityCare:Software application product for patients and their delegates to use to interact with healthcare providers;
  2. ApricityHealth and ApricityOncology: Software application products for healthcare providers to interact with and manage the subscribed patients  
  3. Apricity@Work: Software application product for both employers or business owners and their employees, contractors, visitors or customers
  4. Apricity@School: Software application product for both school administrators and students or their delegates

You may use one or more of the ApricityRx Solutions, as improved, enhances, and expanded from time to time, and their respective services simultaneously under this Terms of Service. 

ApricityCare Users.  As a patient or the patient’s delegate, you can use the ApricityCare application to capture your health-related data that will be subsequently monitored and analyzed by your healthcare providers. It is designed to provide an easy to use tracking and reporting mechanism in order to provide your healthcare professional with daily updated information with which they can make more informed decisions.   It is important for you to provide accurate information in a timely manner.  We may also pull and reference your relevant Electronic Medical Record (EMR).  The collected information is used only for your treatment, billing, operational quality improvement purpose or your own viewing or record purpose.  You, the patient, hereby provide us with consent and authorization to collect, store, process and otherwise utilize your information, including personal health information, for the purposes set out in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy. If you are a patient’s delegate, you confirm that you have the right, including all consents and authorizations, to provide us with the patient’s personal health information, and you provide us with consent and authorization for any other information that you may provide, to collect, store, process and otherwise utilize the personal health information and other information for the purposes set out in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy.

Healthcare Provider Users.  As a healthcare provider, you can track, triage, monitor, and treat patients through the ApricityHealth or ApricityOncology software applications.  You are permitted to use the patient’s reported data, relevant EMR, or any other health related data to treat the patients.  The ApricityRx Solutions may collect your information including, but not limited to, activities, documentation, clinical impression of patients, recommendations or decisions made as a healthcare provider.  You, the healthcare provider, hereby provide us with consent and authorization to collect your information for the purposes set out in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy. 

Apricity@Work Users.  Apricity@Work product suite provides digital monitoring of health and activity status for Apricity@Work Users such as workers, contractors, customers or visitors in support of a return-to-work program for the employers or business owners.   As an Apricity@Work user, you can report, monitor and track your vital signs and symptoms, and activity pertaining to exposure risk, view your employer or business owner’s return-to-work policy, and follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or other federal and local agencies, recommendations for clearance.  Your self-reported medical information, such as your vital signs and/or symptoms, will not be shared with your employer or business owners, only the resultant probability ratings as determined by Apricity@Work will be shared with your employer or business owners. You will also have access to helpful health-related resources via Apricity@Work, as provided and updated by Apricity.  You, the Apricity@Work user, hereby provide us with consent and authorization to collect, store, process and otherwise utilize your information, including personal health information, for the purposes set out in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy.   

Apricity@Work Administrators.  As an Apricity@Work administrator such as an employer or a business owner, you can access the health status of Apricity@Work users in form of probability ratings through the administrator portal of the Apricity@Work application.   Along with other authorized information that are already available to you as an employer or a business owner, you can manage overall health-related risks of Apricity@Work users, including but not limited to return-to-work screening, trend monitoring, extrinsic risk modeling (such as activity and environmental risks) provided by the Apricity@Work solution.  Please be aware that ApricityRx Solution, through Apricity@Work, is solely for information purposes.  Any suggested stratification or assessment data are based on probability not definitive rules, hence they do not guarantee the results.  The performance of Apricity@Work is significantly dependent upon Apricity@Work users’ reported data, its frequency and correctness. You, the Apricity@Work administrator, hereby confirm that you will only access information that you have all requisite consents and authorizations to access and review in accordance with applicable laws, and you will only access and use such information for the purposes set out in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy.

Apricity@School Users.  Apricity@School product suite provides digital monitoring of health and activity status for Apricity@School Users such as students or delegates in support of a return-to-campus program for school administrators.   As an Apricity@School user, you can report, monitor and track your vital signs and symptoms, and activity pertaining to exposure risk, view your employer or business owner’s return-to-work policy, and follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or other federal and local agencies, recommendations for clearance.  Your self-reported medical information, such as your vital signs and/or symptoms, will not be shared with your employer or business owners, only the resultant probability ratings as determined by Apricity@School will be shared with your school administrators. You will also have access to helpful health-related resources via Apricity@School, as provided and updated by Apricity.  You, the Apricity@School user, hereby provide us with consent and authorization to collect, store, process and otherwise utilize your information, including personal health information, for the purposes set out in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy.   

Apricity@School Administrators.  As an Apricity@School administrator such as a school administrator, you can access the health status of Apricity@School users in form of probability ratings through the administrator portal of the Apricity@School application.   Along with other authorized information that are already available to you as a school administrator, you can manage overall health-related risks of Apricity@School users, including but not limited to return-to-campus screening, trend monitoring, extrinsic risk modeling (such as activity and environmental risks) provided by the Apricity@School solution.  Please be aware that ApricityRx Solution, through Apricity@School, is solely for information purposes.  Any suggested stratification or assessment data are based on probability not definitive rules, hence they do not guarantee the results.  The performance of Apricity@School is significantly dependent upon Apricity@School users’ reported data, its frequency and correctness. You, the Apricity@School administrator, hereby confirm that you will only access information that you have all requisite consents and authorizations to access and review in accordance with applicable laws, and you will only access and use such information for the purposes set out in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy.

In all cases, Apricity Health may contact you about your own health and wellness matters. You, the user, hereby provide Apricity Health with consent and authorization to collect, store, process and otherwise utilize your personal health information for the purposes set out in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy.